Vocal exploration and body movements

Vocal Exploration meet Body Movements

Your voice is a way that you carry your unique energy into a space. Sages said “when you are aligned in body, mind, and spirit, your voice resonates a spiritual vibration”

There is a universal language, beyond words, culture, sex or nationality. A language of the heart that cuts across all difference and connects us to something greater than ourselves.
That language is music. Sound is our connection to our deepest being. It connects us to a higher consciousness, but also to our primal selves. Each one of us has access to this innate power of sound through our voice.

We will explore, express and embody our voices through differents sounds exercises allowing ourselves to flow into body’s movements liberating constriction and blockages.

Vocal Exploration meet Body movements is a journey to harmony between physical movements and vocal vibration where you can explore and discover yourself in New different ways

You will experience:

🪷 Getting in contact and confident with your own voice
🪷 Discovering the healing power of it
🪷 Releasing emotional blockages
🪷 Connect and open the Heart chakra through your own voice
🪷 Connection between the Voice and Body movements