

During breathwork, we intentionally change the breathing pattern. Many forms of breathwork therapy involve breathing in a conscious and systematic way.

Regular practice of Breathwork can bring real change to your life Including boosted immune system, lowered stress and inflammation, better focus, more energy, bring improvement into your life. Whether that, more self love, kindness, less stress and anxiety, lowered inflammation, and much more…

Pranayama to release Fear, Anger and Anxiety

Pranayama kriya yoga sequence helps release and overcome fear and anger. If you’ve been holding onto fear and anger and anxiety in your life, then this practice will help you release some of it.


This Pranayama starts focusing on the liver, the liver can hold a lot of anger and tension in the body so we start with it just massaging to try to release that anger, that fear and then the Kriya shifts poses that is going to work on the kidneys. The kidneys are also associated with fear but we’re going to work with them in a way that enhances vitality and stamina in the body so it’s like we release fear and then we build that strength to overcome it.
Than we will move into the spleen to release anxiety…

Pranayama to achieve Peace, Calm and Clarity:
This Pranayama technique can enhance your overall well-being. When practiced regularly can help you:

Cool down and balance your body: This breathing technique has a cooling effect on the body, making it an excellent practice during hot weather or when you feel overheated. It helps regulate body temperature and creates a sense of internal balance.

Calm and relax the mind: By activating the parasympathetic nervous system